Zeta Epsilon Pi Military Wives Sorority, Inc

President's Corner

Happy New Year!
What an exciting time to be alive! A new year brings new beginnings and the ladies of Zeta Epsilon Pi Military Wives Sorority, Inc. are eager to get back to business with our community service projects. This year, we embark on our 6th year of serving in the community. We are focusing on fellowship and engagement activities for our Sorors in addition to traveling to new destinations to expand our support of women and children who need us. Consider this, each day is a gift, that’s why it’s called the present. Tomorrow is a mystery! Live your life and reduce the strife. Enjoy your family! Go out and make it a great year! Positive vibes only!
Cheers to making more cherished memories in 2024.
President, Madame Founder Reisho
Soror Spotlight

Bringing in the new year, we also recognize Soror Poise, who joined ZEΠ in the Spring of 2023. When asked where she is from, she shared that she is an Air Force brat. So technically, she is from everywhere! lol
Soror Poise joined Zeta Epsilon Pi to help carry out the mission for community service. She believes "partnering with organizations and becoming their hands and feet is pivotal to their success all while feeding our own souls!" She and her husband, Brother Artificial Intelligents, have been married for 11 years. And says that "living life to its fullest" is what motivates her. She further states... "There is no moment to spare! Make all moments matter! Be intentional!"

You can now find us on YouTube!
Interested in Joining
Zeta Epsilon Pi Military Wives Sorority Inc?

If you are interested in serving your community, consider joining the ladies of Zeta Epsilon Pi Military Wives Sorority Inc.
Please contact the Director of Intake,
Soror Johnson
(678) 870-4013
Ready to complete an application? There are two ways to do so!
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